Vodácký Ráj

Vodácký Ráj: ceníky


Inflatable boats Gumotex
Kayak TWIST N I11 200 CZK
Kayak TWIST N II14 990 CZK
Canoe BARAKA30 900 CZK
Canoe SCOUT36 990 CZK
Canoe SCOUT Economy26 990 CZK
Canoe PALAVA 40020 995 CZK
Kayak SEAWAVE28 400 CZK
Kayak FRAMURA25 990 CZK
Raft COLORADO 45037 980 CZK
Raft COLORADO 36029 990 CZK
Raft ONTARIO 42030 490 CZK
Fishing boat ALFONSO46 240 CZK
Canoe RUBY XL - motor boat38 500 CZK
Raft ONTARIO 450 S38 420 CZK
Kayak SWING I17 990 CZK
Kayak SWING II23 250 CZK
Kayak SOLAR 019 Gumotex21 989 CZK
Kayak THAYA Gumotex29 789 CZK
Kayak HALIBUT35 990 CZK
Kayak SAFARI 33019 750 CZK
Kayak RUSH 2 Gumotex45 490 CZK
Kayak RUSH 1 Gumotex31 990 CZK
Kayak K248 499 CZK
Raft PULSAR 380 N114 115 CZK
Raft PULSAR 420 N121 570 CZK
Raft PULSAR 450 N144 030 CZK
Raft PULSAR 560 N158 130 CZK
Printed: 2024-12-22

In the event that you find any mistakes, please inform us by email. Pictures may be only of a descriptive nature and might not show the actual product or actual colors. The technical specifications and product descriptions come from the manufacturer or importer, we take no legal responsibility for any errors. Thank you.

Contact: Vodácký ráj, e-mail: info@vodackyraj.cz, T.: +420 603 441 272, Císařská louka 27, Praha 5 - Smíchov